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Migration from version 1

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Importing the package to your project

The @frsource/frs-hide-scrollbar version 2 is a CSS-only package. That means that the main entry point of the package is not a JS but a CSS file from now on!

You can import it into your project either from within your JS file:

import '@frsource/frs-hide-scrollbar';
// or

or SCSS:

@import '~@frsource/frs-hide-scrollbar';

or (as in the previous version) via HTML (either from local installation or from unpkg CDN):

<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/@frsource/frs-hide-scrollbar/dist/frs-hide-scrollbar.css"></script>

<!-- or -->

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Configuring the package

Previously, you could’ve configure the package via JS. Now, because there is no need for a JS API anymore you can configure the classname (the only thing that is configurable) via SCSS variable $frs-hide-scroll-classname:

$frs-hide-scroll-classname: 'whatever';
@import '~@frsource/frs-hide-scrollbar';

// now the package styling will be avaiable under ".whatever" class name

By default the variable’s value is frs-hide-scroll, so if you don’t overwrite it - that’s the class name which you would need to use in your templates.

Using the package in your templates

Last but not least - in the version 2 there is no need for double-wrappping of your content! 🚀 In the version 1 you always needed at least two elements (as in the example below, two divs) to make the library working:

<div class="frs-hide-scroll-wrapper">
  <div class="frs-hide-scroll">
    <!-- you content here -->

But, in the version 2 you need only one element-wrapper (the one you have your overflow:auto styling on):

<div class="frs-hide-scroll">
  <!-- you content here -->

So, the most important part of the migration here would be to either remove elements with frs-hide-scroll-wrapper class completely from your codebase, or to simply remove the class name from them.

And that’s it. Now you can learn more about the usage of the @frsource/frs-hide-scrollbar version 2!