
Tiny carousel is a modular slider based on the modern CSS snap points technique. This makes the library fully customizable, really lightweight and incredibly performant with the smoothest mobile drag & drop support ever possible!


Our team needed to add multiple carousel instances to the single view for a cross-platform project. Unfortunately, every other possible solution was too heavy to work well under harsh environment of the low-end mobile devices. To overcome this problem we have created tiny carousel!

How does it work

Tiny carousel is a name for the whole ecosystem of modules that can be used to setup a hugely customized slider for your web app! The main part is the core module which creates the simplest form of carousel and allows carousel to be extended via plugin system.

The sliding functionality is based on the CSS scroll-snapopen in new window and is supported by every modern browseropen in new window. This gives the library a native-like responsiveness and makes it a really lightweight solution. To understand scroll snapping better we suggest to read this great article published on CSS-TRICKSopen in new window.

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Thank you! Any help is kindly appreciated 🙏

After this brief introduction let’s jump to the next chapter! Now the time has come to learn how to install the Tiny Carousel package 💪